Journey of INHPF
For over two decades, INHPF has made significant contributions to advancing health promotion through active participation in global conferences and collaborative projects.
7-10 November 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand
The meeting aims to exchange best practices and lessons learned on health promotion movements; to foster collaborative partnership among members and partners of the INHPF; and to declare the collective commitment on advancing health promotion in the global health agenda.
Recalling The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986), which identifies five components of health promotion action and prerequisites for health, essentially suggesting a shift of focus from individual risk factors to addressing the context and implications of actions and the determinants that impact people.
Recalling also the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health (2011), which identifies key actions for countries and global health partners to achieve greater equity in health and promote equitable access to goods and services essential to health and well-being.
Recalling further the Shanghai Declaration on promoting health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2016), which urges leaders from all sectors and from different levels of governance to promote health and well-being in all the sustainable development goals.
Further recalling the Geneva Charter for Well-being (2021), which underlines the urgency of creating sustainable well-being societies and achieving equitable health without harming the health of our planet.
Recognizing that health is a basic human right and is essential for social and economic development. Increasingly, health promotion is being recognized as an essential element of health development. It is a process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Health promotion addresses the determinants of health so as to create a substantial health gain for the people, to contribute significantly to the reduction of inequities in health. Thus, Health promotion is a great investment and can make a difference for equitable health and well-being.
We, the members and partners of the INHPF, reaffirm that health is a cornerstone of sustainable development, and espouse health promotion as an essential component of a comprehensive public health strategy in order to advance the well-being of individuals, families and communities.
including international organizations, civil society organizations, academia, private sector and local communities: